Tag Archives: Good vs Evil

Confession of a Reverend Part 4: Shadow Spirits “What do they want?”

What are the Shadow people?

I believe the Shadow people are from the Void. They are in between the plane levels.  When an individual expires from their human shell/human suit/Edgar Suit, that means they didn’t know what to embody as their belief of the after life.  When a person is in hospice they stop eating, the body begins to shut down.  At some point they stop verbal communication and begin the review of their life.  It’s very much like Lucid dreaming.  You can hear people around you but you can no longer communicate and at some level you don’t wish to talk to the living any longer.  It begins the internal dialog from within.  This internal movie plays and there are two clocks timing the person.  The 1st clock is within the Lucid dreaming of the belief of a person that is internally judging their own right and wrong doings through their life.  (Divine presence taking them through a journey?) Are they worthy of good?  Does the individual know if they committed many crimes in their wake of life? Does the individual have a high self esteem over their life or a poor self out look on their life?  The 2nd clock is the body shutting down.  There is about a 14 days time period if the body receives no food or water the body and it’s organs expire or seize.

What are Shadow’s made of?

Shadows are very dense material of black particles.  They are energy based.  You cannot touch them.  It’s a presence that interacts to touch your visual minds eye.

What do Shadows feed on?

Shadows feed on electrical energy.  They also feed on your fears.  They are energy particles, so they do not require actual food or water substances.  They don’t go to the bathroom either, but they do get depleted of energy as they attempt to communicate.

They communicate through touch lamps, TV, Radio’s, Electrical impulses and heightening fear.  Frequencies of static have also been used. Radio’s and batteries seem to get low or stop working properly as they suck it out so they can feed.

What interests me is to raise my sleep frequency so this doesn’t attract shadow beings as often.  Unless of course this is part of my life purpose to solve this phenomenon.

How do they become a shadow?

I consider the Shadow people to be like the Grey’s.  I don’t believe the grey’s are really ET’s but each to their own opinion.  Shadow people capture your minds eyes as they pass from doorway to another when you are a wake or down a hall.  I’ve had one for years at the foot of my bed.  They give you the feeling of being watched when no one is around.  That isn’t paranoia-it’s the shadow people.  ESPer’s are more hyper sensitive (sensitive people/Empaths) and it can really put you through a loop when no one understands you.

The Shadow “Man?” at the foot of my bed was over seven feet tall.  At first I was scared of this being (Dark Spirit) Shadow.  The more I prepared myself of this entity I realized he needed healing.  I wasn’t scared anymore; it was very dense material of black particles-I could Not see through the dark material at all.  It began to show up more frequently throughout my home and when it did I was mentally prepared.

After about three years working with the shadow spirit It began to embrace love light-I would dance in my mind and laugh in my mind and see the light of love in my mind.  Shadow man suddenly burst into flames of hot red, cool yellow and mild darkness the shadows within it’s own material.  Shadow man was happy and I haven’t seen him since.  Here is the realization now: From the blackness state matterial Shadow Spirits or Grey’s are without any self love.  Too serious, not any laughter or having fun.

If in fact the Shadow man turned into fire and was happy doesn’t prove he is in hell but from the recent water color painting I did does suggest “yes” it is hell.  This leads me to believe that a belief I have from a young child believing in “the Bible told me so”.

In “LUCID” Dreamscape Reality by Sean Boyle Chapter 3 presents some great information.  The stuff of Nightmares on Page 38 Start reading at “Shadows” an stop before “Shadows in Combat” it turns into game talk but I believe this writer truly was onto a clear bigger picture of what shadow people are!  Chapter 3 really clarified my experience.

The Clock is Ticking

It is a tricky process and through my clinical experience at the hospital I met a women in hospice who stayed alive on no food no water and no life support for 21 days.  It really blows your mind when science says otherwise.  Now, my facts maybe different than what other teachings are out there.  This is sole based on my experiences.  This particular patient was Catholic and the family around the clock prayed over her.  The family took communion in her presence.  They prayed for her soul and told me stories of her being a good christian/Catholic women.  The husband was thankful I stayed to pray even though he knew I wasn’t practicing to be Catholic but it gave him comfort.  The family her children didn’t care for me-judgements where in their hearts with my presence.  Letting that go now, I am grateful of the experience.

I believe the angels had the women heavily guarded and I was not able to do an telepathy on the patient.  Her husbands heart I heard his songs.  With her children and grandchildren I saw sorrow on their faces and they just really wanted her all to their selves.  To witness her passing and I gave them that space.

The Murder

CopyRight Katie Yavuz March 2015
CopyRight Katie Yavuz March 2015

What happens to a soul that is forced out of an individuals body unexpectedly?  What was the person doing right before death; would be the first place I would start from. This clinical individual was a John Smith (John Doe) why the hospitals change the name I don’t know.  A man was shot from a domestic violence scene with a few other veig details.  He was sent directly to surgery so he was still alive upon arrival to the hospital. I was the 1st Chaplain to the call but wasn’t allowed in surgery area until his passing.  I spent six hours+ with this persons body after passing.  I didn’t know the mans religion, however; an internal assumption (telepathy) influenced me to think he was catholic.  For hours after his passing I attempted to communion with his soul with no luck.  It wasn’t until the City Corner and Police put his body into a corners bag and zipped up until he asked frantically “Where do I go?!” “Where do I go?!”  In an instant I asked,”Have you been bad?” (No reply) “If so, You go to hell.”, He said: “okay” and departed.  Instantly, I felt regret that I didn’t attempt more dialog and ask for his repentance.  I felt guilty of not freeing his soul but condemning it to the underworld.

Since that experience-I have learned I am really powerful and I’m much more careful on what I think and say both out loud to myself and to others.  What I say can happen and it usually can come fairly fast.

I’ve been learning to develop and control this power of ESP.  Now realizing I’m not crazy for those who don’t understand.  I do consider myself a Mystic vs Psychic even though I have these talents from childhood. However, lets get back to the Shadow man.  As I said I’m learning about being open with my ESP gifts, I sat to give free readings and this young teenager said he saw this spirit who was shot and said he didn’t like being in the burning fire of hell.  Instantly I knew that this was my John Smith who I sent him to this realm.  Fear struck the mother and told him not to help the soul.  I claimed responsibility but this soul is not communicating with me and although I would like to help-the soul isn’t seeking to communicate with me.

I guess there is a sense of belief within me that does believe in heaven and hell.  Only heaven is light substance and hell can be many different levels.  I’m closer to the underworld as it doesn’t bother me.  I was around a lot of death as a child.  Living is what scares me the most.  As I learn each day to live better than I did yesterday.

What do you do with Shadow visits?

Shadow people/spirits come to feed on our fears.  If your a natural healer they are around you for healing.  Start sending them light energy to help heal them.

*Do spread sea salt all around your bed and bring in a healing protection (spell) prayer for safety.  Put it around your electronics (computer desk,TV) to block the aerial plain of Electrical energy.

The Universal light is “Love” and Love really does heal all things.  The Shadow/he started out as a thick black substance.  The more Light I sent it the colors of fire came through it.  It was happier and I never saw it again.  Hindsight I now believe 1 dark mass might be several hundred of these dark shadows.  This just occured to me as I think about it and my water color painting.

Confessions of a Reverend Part 3: Illuminati vs JC

  • Haunted by the fear that the Bible and it’s followers intimates
  • A fallen Angel produces propaganda of Illuminati

Who are you going to serve? Really do you believe in who do you serve?

It is saying who are you going to pay! Your either going to pay into a “class society of either the rich and famous” or your going to pay a church to “protect you from the devil“.  Churches feed you with needing to tithe, that this is the only way you can free yourself from the “poverty mentality”.

I believe the Illuminati is a group that governs Stardom.  Just as a church would ask you to tithe.  However, the Illuminati may as well be the modern mafia in protecting their “stars” from a certain kind of scandal such as what sins they may have committed.  Illuminati maybe like an insurance company with a “Protection Racket” if you fail to “pay into your protection coverage” it’s cause and effect; meaning extortion for that individual.

Possible Celebrities who may have be involved or not directly involved with the Illuminati are highly successful, highly popular people.  Who was there “In” who made them a star?  Is it a secret coven?  Wouldn’t we all just understand and know that some people feed the negative actions and others choose to behave with their personal choices(?).

Our beloved some very treasured and some of us wanted them to just admit their faults and wrong doings.  Please understand their “humanness” have compassion and humility.  These famous stars are real people with the same real problems as all of us have.  Some people have closet secrets; some of us expose lies; some of us have dark secrets that we can’t even fathom to be spoken rather we think them or speak them or act upon those secrets.  These people work very hard and at the end of the day some sick minded people harm others mentally and physically.

These entities may or Not be involved:

  1. The Democratic Party
  2. Science
  3. Russia
  4. Government
  5. Hollywood
  6. Omniscient creature=(Human species?)

Our beloved RIP victims:

Celebrities…I’m retracting the names through an edit-I now see a miss-alignment from my own wrongful doing.  I should not have placed their names publicly as it is an act of foolishness on my behalf.  Looking back I have adored such a comedian actor of Robin Williams and I would like to believe in his goodwill should not be driven give into basement thinking of any such organization(s) that may or not misrepresent these folks.  I loved Micheal Jackson through my childhood.  My own prodigious beliefs on his immoral behaviors through my youth and adulthood discoveries should also be noted as a foolish response that others influence us to believe.  We all have committed sins.  Some of us commit them fare more often than most.  All in all these two at some level shared their infinite gifts with us.  They both will be missed.

So, Christians are gullible in believing that the Bible was written by many people but those people chose Not to disclose who they where.  Someone had to write the good book and talk bad about stories of others in a not so good way.  So, why not a book about the opposite with it’s No author published also?  What if the same person or people wrote both books?

Just because I wrote the above information does and doesn’t mean I believe fully to any such length of this information.  I could say the exact opposite to say it’s the republicans who wish to do more harm to our human race than good.  Republicans wish to take away freedom of choice to our health care and how women want to treat their bodies.  Leave the High income peeps and make poverty even worse.  That would have it’s own title series if I was to talk about politics.

Isn’t human nature to have cause and effect?  Cause and effect is the same or different of good vs evil?  (Curse you-sorry some automatic writing just occured.) People choose an action and effect either something positive happens or negative reaction occurs.

I never understood what was being said about the signs and symbols until today.  Click on the links above to get a better understanding of what I heard.  The “Okay” symbol is of three 6’s two are imaginary one is real. The all seeing eye is used in many occult religions and within the government on the paper bills it’s symbolising God is watching not the devil is watching although it could be either way as an individual believes.  Pagan’s are not devil worshipers and the feminism and masculine is also not the sign of the devil; it is of human nature and realizing we all have a right to happiness and prosperity on this planet.  As we let go of judgements and anger about others and ourselves we can have a fruitful life without any bad seeds or serpents in our apple trees.

Oh my stars have I become Atheist?

  • I am not of the devil anymore than you.  Anger isn’t of the devil either it is just a void in expression until someone over-reacts and performs a wrongful action.  That action may very well be fuelled by a belief not intended to harm, but the person does act out with either verbal or physical abuse.  If a action is performed with intentional beliefs to harm another one *Then yes* that is an action of evil as it is deliberate.  There are grey area’s in all things including belief systems; one maybe of disciplining children with corporal punishment.  In my view that isn’t anything more than feeding your child fast food.  It should be done in moderation and less is definitely better of both.  Fast food and parental corporal punishment are the same for me in my belief practices-it’s better to avoid them at all cost, however; if the child is in danger such as running out into the street moderation of force is subjective.
  •  I am just as holy, precious and loving as JC just as you are.  To me we are neither the devil or of Jesus Christ.  We may possess the “Likeness” of God/Divine/JC/Mother-Father earth/heaven or the “likeness” of the negative.
  • We can be close to the Divine holiness within ourselves as we choose compassion to treat ourselves and others with the basic human respect.  We can call out to the 10 commandments or we can believe in the 1st Amendment’s our country was founded on (USA).

Is Jesus or Muhammad the last real prophets?I believe that we are ever expanding and evolving so who is to say that our “modern day prophets” could be anyone of our recent great authors?

  • Deepak Chopra
  • Wayne Dryer
  • Emerson
  • Hemingway
  • Holmes
  • Dalai Lama
  • The Vatican

To sum it up, we all have our own belief patterns.  Sometimes we are influenced to correct our thinking and other times it because a forced curse of beliefs put on by others.  Our experiences shape our future.  If the world becomes too much we shut down. Health issues rise.  Relationships become to suffer.  In the end when you leave this planet either forced or through the natural selection process what your true belief is revealed to you in a moment right before the change occurs.  I have been on the near death side several times.  Each time I have made a conscious decision to do right.  Choose life over death.  Choose to live for those who care about me.  Choose to tell my story.  Choose to leave the void and discover what my soul mission/soul purpose is and “do something about it”!

I would love to hear about what you think.  Please leave your comments below. Namaste

CopyRight Katie Yavuz March 2015
CopyRight Katie Yavuz March 2015

, Choose the light to heal you and those around you! ~Amen.