Tag Archives: Soul

What is your Reflection saying about you?

Copyright KWYavuz2015

Our Reflections speak like the shadow of dark daylight of our own soul…So How are you speaking about yourself?  The Map that leads you to you are you speaking kindness to yourself and about yourself or are you shutting the window to your soul down?

We must guard our words of putdowns and criticism about others-Why do we not watch our words that we speak about ourselves?

In the process of all the “WHY’s” we can start in this moment in correcting and changing how we feel about ourselves from the inside out.

Go ahead and turn your back on the world for a moment and come within.  I know I can begin again even when I mess up and correct my words that I say about myself to me, about me and to others about me.

I can love myself from within 1st as I bring that into my aura and through each of my chakra’s.  I immerse my goodwill into my own body, my own self and know that I am worthy of good in all area’s of my life.

I let go, of any and all negative self talk…This means no more “what if’s”; “if only” and so forth.  I now replace that talk into “What I can do Now; What I can do Today or this moment”.  I can hug myself; even make love to myself and tell myself that all will be okay.  I can allow the deep immersed embodiment of the Divine to move through my body and heal myself with this self love.

I move more freely Now knowing I love myself to do what I need to do for me in this moment and It is so~Amen.

My Soul Confession to Doc Vaj

Doc Vaj was Inspired of my Soul Confession, Listen to it asap she is deleting her archives soon. Blessings to all!http://www.blogtalkradio.com/thecartomanc-seer/2014/05/01/cartomanc-seer-service-spectrum

To Doc Vaj:  “A second look: Wow. Big red fire truck hun? DocVaj you read me internally more than I really wanted to hear. Yes, I am angry with nowhere to go, no where I want to voice this, but yes, energetically the Universe knows. What do I really want that still feels out of reach? I do know that this path will get me there or at least closer than I’ve ever been in my life.”

 “You have a very powerful presence, in the most loving way and stern … to provoke the Soul to confess. Please excuse me for my human behavior. My (Spirit Self) is now open and perceptive to what you are focusing me on, tuning me into, allowing me to bring into attention.”

“I do see a picture of what I love but I just don’t know all the steps to get there. I’m still raising children and so all of that feels like a block, but not entirely. Thank you kindly. Rev Katie in humility.”  END QUOTES.

Empower your Soul!

I am humble today knowing I have moved out of my comfort zone.  I have decided this year 2014 is MY YEAR, to do something about my life.  I must be bold, I must be brave.  My determination shall prevail.

Today, I visited a local Toastmasters group. It was much like getting up in front of a congregation.  Looking into each souls eyes I felt different today than any other time speaking.  Today, I was in control of me!

What a breath taking experience to really commit to changing how I want me life! Really exciting, to know from the depth of my soul what it longs & then to step out in that faith and prove to yourself, “Yes, you can do it.”  Just as the “little engine that could”, I too can do something with my life.

As you begin to get older..you never feel older inside.  Their is a sense of I still have a chance to do something great before I get old. lol I’m in my mid-30’s raising a teenager and seeing his struggles I can relate to how I felt then almost as if it was only a year or two ago.

Of course times have changed, fashion, music and langue to peers have had there own evolution(s).

Yet a closeness and connection between my children, with determination…what can I still prove to them that I have buried deep within?  What has all the control of criticism taught me?  How can I bring positive right action into every new situation?

It all comes from within…Within that stillness, that Divine guidance asking for you to listen what it wants you to do.  Most likely the hardest part in life is to stop fighting your own struggles.  Stop fight yourself.  Stop allowing the harshness of other people’s words determine how great you really are.

How great are you?  What will it take for you to realize that you are great?! You Are Great! Yes, today & everyday you choose for yourself, make decisions that are either for your Divine good or for someone else’s Divine good.  It is a dance.  There can be compromise.  There is also a time for you to bow out of a situation that is killing your soul.

The choice is yours.  Desire for life to end-everyone has those thoughts.  Just not everyone will ever admit that they have.  It’s these soul killing situations, that you must dig deep.  Find a passion larger than you.  Discover how you can help others and take the next step.

I am living proof that this works.  If you need a mentor, a friend~Please reach out to me or someone who is traveling the road you desire to go down.  Pledge a promise today, to take a baby step and keep moving forward.  Love to live and fulfill your passion!