Tag Archives: Science of Mind

Mother Oracle

As I look further into my own belief system, I was asked by a dear colleague who is a RabbSpider Web infinityi; He asks me what Faith are you, Katie?

As I have been reflecting upon this question, I never felt it needed defining until this morning.  I see fields of green, a washed out smear of colors in the sky, I clean starting from the East and nearly all things I do end in the West.  Many ideas of just listening to the rhythm of my own drum is one of many practices I do.  The creative flow I had as a child discovering what I could do within nature itself.  The relationship I had with nature and man-made products and how I fit into, this thing called life.  I enjoy the discovery of what works for me and what I can let go…I enjoy what I can “Let go, with ease” as a natural process.

I choose to know that within my own being-ness, there is a greater force, which I cannot see.  I have felt this presence; “It” has healed me, “It” has guided me, “It” speaks through me.  This greater force is part of the eternal flow that is within all of us.  I know I am the one who can step away from “It” and “It” will never forsake me.  I know I can return to “It” at any point and know I am doing the right thing, in the right moment as I experience “Its” effects in the creative droplets in my life.  “It” cleanses me, just as it preserves “It” also takes away.  The “It” is the invisible and “It” is not something anymore you or I can define.

I believe in the Trinity being sacred that All Faiths have their place.  The tides of our lives have a constant flow of good and it is what we call into our lives with intention that defines how we walk in our life with the Great Divine Spirit; with God, with Allah and all the other wonderful names beyond 99 names-The Infinite Creator.

It is not a clear definition to me of “What I believe in” It’s more of “Who am I within-All of Life”.  My faith of traditions and belief’s sway like the wind, ever changing as the sea of tides disrupt the ambiance that sounds “Its” latitude and longitude.  I believe in the Oneness of nature and all the 99 names of Allah/God; I see the likeness in the creation in many traditions greater than to my own.  My Intra-Faith would be me, “The Great I Am.”

I Am, what I say I Am.  This goes further than a quick look of who is Christian, Buddhist, Hinduism, Muslim, Celtic/Wiccan/Pagan, Native American, Shaman, Judaism, Religious Science,  and all the other names of all religions of the world.

If today I practice Totem Medicine-I draw a very powerful presence not only to a sleeping state of mind.  In my walking physical life these elements are drawn to me with great power beyond me doing anything more than thinking or speaking about them.

Within the same day I also practice the goodness of the Oneness that is in us all through Science of Mind Principles.  Many foundations formed into a greater whole within me and all the infinite cannot be separated.  I choose not to practice one particular religion, as I see the Light of Good in all things and it is not for me to even judge myself.  So, I let go of this attachment and when deemed fit. I Am accepted within myself, as all our greatest judgments are from within our own thinking.  The only refection of judgement should be coming from the Infinite creator not a peer, or a neighbor.   We are to love one another right now!

Just as if anything you say, has any power over your life-you inadvertently Activate that power greater than you.

It was a wake-up call to me suddenly last night after the circumstance had already taken place, then I reflected back and saw it from a whole new point of view.

My daughter and I were taking a walk up some stairs and her right hand glided right over/next to a young Black Widow Spider.  It had occurred to me at the time to educate my four year old about “Red & Black, Get Back”.  Even as we traveled to the local park meeting another fine grandmother, I told her the story and she returned with a similar rhyme of a totem that is local to her area.  Though most of my instinct declared this woman was Christian, it’s a hidden thought of where all these sayings and belief practices originated from?  It is not for me to decide, it is within our own hearts to know what is right for ourselves.  I will not rebut, take part in debates as I have evolved into the Spirit of the Infinite and if you want my Spirit name for this season in my life I am now, in this moment: “Mother Oracle”.

Mother Oracle is the I am: rare, uncommon unpredictable.  I am a shape-shifter, as the water flows through me from the river to the sea.  I am in the form of water/nature/elements to the physical through transcendent thought I call to the animals and can form into the tides of the silver moon.  I shift without notification ever changing as the moods of my alignment flows in each new moment.

Mother Oracle is both tranquil and can shift into a horned tempest.  Allowing the osmosis of transformation to guide, shift and transport all poisonous thoughts into… a whole new mystical Truth to the Oneness we all are.

Moving my Souls Journey

Purpose for this treatment is for; (Your Name) to experience the flow of perfect timing, allowing your-self to live the experience of traveling and all your ties to your house to be taken care of. The Universe will provide the perfect solution to all your needs.

Please accept these words as if they are your own:

I recognize in this vast Universe there is an eternal light that surrounds and shields all negativity. I know that this infinite Law creates all things from thoughts into form. I recognize that any daily experience is a result of Divine Right Action moving the motivation of creating into Its perfect form.

I am surrounded by the unification of the Divine substance that lives through me. I now internalize this same Divine creation into the perfection of my own soul. I breathe It in and I allow It to aboard my vessel. It moves through me like a well-honed vibration that synchronizes Its-self within the rhythm of my own fluidity.

I now realize the beauty in my bounty; I converse with It in every situation that I feel I need extra help in. {BREATHE: 1, 2, 3, 4.} The Oneness of all my desires lives inside of me. I now see the material actions that my soul longs to take this journey. Every flower, every need blossoms into the flourished Now scent. I see it, I feel it, I smell it. Like cardboard being ripped apart I see my new surroundings’, I see all that I want in my life is right there, right here before me. I will it and It is provides for me.

I see the house I am staying in as an opportunity for me. If I desire to keep thinking it is home It will continue to be my home.

If I desire a new expression of this house, I now prepare the release of this house. I see my new beginnings for filling the void of what my heart desires most. I let go of what I think the price of money is and I see the house in all it has to offer, I see all the benefits the house is giving Its new residents. I see the perfect resident giving me my asking price or a bid that is over the top, with a new resident who is worthy of this house and the house will brighten their experience, with them being in their home.

I feel the power of letting go into what I choose to do with myself. I now feel the passion, the excitement of movement; the smell of fresh tape, of letting go what I really don’t want to hang onto. I pass these items onto a person/organization that helps families become self-efficient. The fresh smell of water and the dew that falls upon my lips each morning provides me the opportunity to know the manifestation is working. I am in the location I desire and I am enjoying my life to the fullest. I am teaching and providing spiritual support to those who value my wisdom. The sound of a waterfall in the background is the new rhythm of my ambiance, my serenity, my home. {Breathe}

I am so happy and grateful to experience the joy of surrender. To love all people in my life and to pass on my legacy of my Divine nature in reassuring myself I am now on a shaman’s journey to my souls happiness. I am so happy and grateful that I now give myself permission to live my life to it’s fullest expression! I am so happy and grateful I can just breathe the fruit of my earnings and be supported by Divine’s free will. I know all my talent and love in my heart is recognized and I negotiate for my highest good.


I now release my Divination prayer the Great Spirits knowing It knows what is best for me. It has impeccable timing and provides me with the self-assurance that I Am, within Great Care of the I Am. It is so, in the bounty of the Great I Am, ~Amen.

©Photographer Aaron Wallis with Colorful                                                                                                                                         Conscious Weddings

A prayer for Heart Trouble

A prayer for your beloved’s one’s heart.

In this moment I Recognize that the One Source Lives in all things great and small.  It is fearless, always bound by doing exactly as it is told with conviction.  It is always creating and manifesting what it creates.  I am uplifted in the knowingness that this infinite Source is of renewal as IT is always expanding with Abundance and a perfection of Health.

Please accept these words as if they were your own…  I am now in perfect alignment with my Source.  I am completely Unified with the blessings from within that are able to be expressed in my out worldly experiences each day.  I am at peace with this indwelling gratitude of my Divine Creator that lives and speaks through me in every moment in my life.

I now accept this internal Realization that I am in this moment LOVE, Peace, Joy, Abundance through the co-creation of the Universe expressed through me & It multiplies all my strengths.  It produces Good words & thoughts through my everyday actions.  I express my feelings with love and understanding for my wife, my children and with my husband as a family unit that is unbreakable with all of life’s tides, I will not be cast a side as I know the Love I give I receive.  I also, know the abundance of my eternal being is good, I do good for myself and for others.  I open my heart to the possibilities of unfoldment of my perfect path that of which I am being called to do.  This comes with ease, understanding and an unwavering fact of good prosperity for me and my family.  I am have unshakable faith in knowing my good will prevail in all things I do.  The light of love shines through every inch, crack, and corner in my mind and heart that in turn allows me to grow and be the person I am meant to be to walk this living plain.

I am so humble and grateful for the Thanksgivings in my life.  I know only good will come to pass as I bring forth my goodwill and internal self- love to shine through all doubt or fear that I have.  I know I have a purpose to fulfill in this live and I now embrace this goodness from within my heart to express through my everyday experiences as a light of love.  I am so, very thankful of my creator for giving me an opportunity each day to reclaim my good and express love.

I now Release this prayer & words into the Universal Law, as I know it knows the deepest prayers that I hold within deeper than anyone in my family and possible of any of my own self-knowingness.  I know the Law of Attraction does exactly what it is told to do without any preconceived ideas.  I also know the Law is the servant and as it carries my prayer out like a messenger of angels I know that it is always done in right action.  No, harm will be done to any individual only love, peace, reassurance and the perfection of Divine’s truth will shine through.  It is So ~ Amen.    By: ~Rev. Katie Yavuz


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