Tag Archives: Self Love

What is your Reflection saying about you?

Copyright KWYavuz2015

Our Reflections speak like the shadow of dark daylight of our own soul…So How are you speaking about yourself?  The Map that leads you to you are you speaking kindness to yourself and about yourself or are you shutting the window to your soul down?

We must guard our words of putdowns and criticism about others-Why do we not watch our words that we speak about ourselves?

In the process of all the “WHY’s” we can start in this moment in correcting and changing how we feel about ourselves from the inside out.

Go ahead and turn your back on the world for a moment and come within.  I know I can begin again even when I mess up and correct my words that I say about myself to me, about me and to others about me.

I can love myself from within 1st as I bring that into my aura and through each of my chakra’s.  I immerse my goodwill into my own body, my own self and know that I am worthy of good in all area’s of my life.

I let go, of any and all negative self talk…This means no more “what if’s”; “if only” and so forth.  I now replace that talk into “What I can do Now; What I can do Today or this moment”.  I can hug myself; even make love to myself and tell myself that all will be okay.  I can allow the deep immersed embodiment of the Divine to move through my body and heal myself with this self love.

I move more freely Now knowing I love myself to do what I need to do for me in this moment and It is so~Amen.

StreetStrider Elliptical that I see smiles on every rider.

Hey All,

I know I’ve been going through long periods of not writing to you-Some days this self love stuff gets hard…Really as a parent, a wife and putting most of my ministry on hold for self care.Streetrider

So I tried the Joe Cross’s Juicing and I replaced one meal a day for 5 days.  I lost 6 lbs. and gained it all back in just few days when I returned to a regular with food at every meal diet.  I loved the clean out effect. I loved how it cleansed my pallet on my tongue. I loved loosing those 6 lbs of water weight the first 2 days all I did was expel urine.  It jump started b.m. movements…that’s great when your a person who takes prescribed medication and can get plugged up.

Really this self love regiment has taken on a mind of it’s own and I admit I haven’t stayed 100 % committed everyday or every week.  It’s almost like declaring a new religion to make the necessary changes.  It has made me question everything in my life.  From who am I?  Who do I want to be?  What status do I want to achieve? How do I want to look? Can I accept who I am even the not so wonderful parts about me?  Who do I love in myself and what is that spark I love in others?  What are the things I dislike about me?  How do I stop allowing other words of other opinions hurt me?  How can I parent better?  How can I fit into a church setting again when I repel the system, or when I repel others?

I am learning how to take each moment in a better, slower pace and finding who I was from before chaos became life. Who was I when my hobbies where very important to me?  How did I just allow my creativity to flow from me?  How am I really calling in the Divine and into how good I am with gratitude?  What does that look like for me?  I have been calling in to the Divine (prayer) for me to be in service with my talents that allow me to be me-not how the world wants me to be.  I’m learning what I really believe in and were my humanness still needs work with conviction and self confidence.  I’m learning how I am and the choices I make, create my outcome in life.  If I don’t like how the day has gone, I look to either be conscious to change it the next day or reclaim the old habit.

Over the summer of 2014 I saw a man riding and Elliptical Cycle, I never thought about it much until now when I’m talking to a client and family about how a person with server joint pain and how to get them moving again.  The best case is to get them doing aquatic exercises in a zero gravity simulation.  However, I know this client well enough that he does most everything from home and rarely leaves his home.  The client works and is motivated in work but via the experience of disc joint damages and intolerable pain it’s easier to sit and be in pain vs move and be in pain.

I keep telling the kids I’m getting ride of the couch and putting in a home gym that way when I want to relax and zone out, I really have no excuse to exercise and move.  Will this happen most likely not-but the idea sounds sweeter every time. Lol

Are you ever curious about something that I’m talking about? Tweet me or leave me a comment-let me be your muse 🙂

Confessions from a Reverend

Thank you for being a pain in my *ss!

Thank you for teaching me that even though I am holy within I still act human…Thank you for teaching me that being human still means I hold judgments; that being human still means Ego attempts to teach other’s lessons for me vs through me…Although at times it does feel like an enlightened learning lessons that I will teach you value within yourself and that you don’t need me.

Thank you for reminding me that my tough love hurts at times and although you may not see the blessings right now, the unfoldment has already begun to help heal you of other wounds that never closed.  Not everyone can handle L.E. or Military tough or a diamond in the rough as tough love, angers and hurts  put a different force behind your actions to motivate you.  I stated, “I am a horse of a different color” (Wizard of OZ) and my ministry doesn’t need to look like anyone else’s.

The first I ever heard about using anger to motivate me was through Anthony “Tony” Robbins in 1998.  This is my reflection as that is exactly what did it for me in this stage of my life.  I decided I was no longer the door mate, I claimed my Strength, my Power and it pushed me forward full throttle.

Thank you for reestablishing that you don’t always make sense and now I know I am no longer alone in feeling down in myself about not being a perfect human.  Limitations are in us all…It’s how we use our limitations to rise above the madness.

Thank you for teaching me that I can love someone as a friend and not really need them in my life as I discovered your journey would put mine off track.  You made empty promises and I reflected those right back to you.  We would make plans and then you would go a different direction-so I did the same to you.

Thank you for teaching me how to be more honest, to myself, as I discovered it was easier to hide from what I felt and you in turn felt confused, abandoned and betrayed at some level.  I attempted to establish limits and boundaries and consequently, you internalized those differently.

In reality, I wasn’t honest with myself, my intentions and I didn’t establish better confirmation that I was seeking clients and not friendships.  My advice as a friend or being a minister is typically always the same with a few variations.  You stated your concerns, asked for help, but desired free advise not really friendship in my eyes.

We started out having the same conflict and the resolution never transpired.  There were greater forces of other people’s judgments on you that I didn’t see in the beginning.  I was angered by those judgments from others that were quite, subtle and lead me into another chain of events of judgment from others about my business.  Here I thought I was standing up for you, allowing you to be who you were in that moment in time I had no judgments, only love for you as a person.  It did me no good, to stand up for something that you didn’t care about in yourself.   As time lead on, so did the tales of empty association.

Thank you for affirming your dislike of how I communicate through my writing and wished I would have “just called you”.  For I know, within myself I am a writer, who has kept this skill at bay.  I no longer can afford to sway from who I am inside or how I communicate from the depths of my soul.  This is who I am, when conflict arises or when I feel trapped-writing what I feel is my only salvation into my higher self.

Thank you for showing me what determination of self-love looks like.  You have shown me how to rise above any negative judgments, with goodwill as a merry ol’ soul.  Although your acronym made no sense as Flow, Light, Love…fly-I see the gift that I thought was for you is really a gift for me as: First Love Yourself.

No Make-up 4 Cancer Awareness

As seen on Facebook.com Go to work-be in public without your make-up for the sake of Cancer Awareness.

One in five people man or women will experience some sort of Cancer…That person could be you or someone you love.

What subtle hints is your body giving you that you are not listening too?

In 2005 I had nodules beginning to protrude from my neck next to the SCM muscles.  Aspirations were taken at Sally Job at the Denver Tech area, Colo.  No sign of malignancy was found.  In two years time I began to experience difficulty with swallowing vitamins and meat.  I had experience similar signs as a young child around age 6 years old with the same swallowing issues.

A bit graphic, all that extra saliva that you feel like your chocking yet can’t throw-up..kind of feeling.  This could have been an early sign notes the surgeon to my parent in my late 20’s.

I was seen between a week to three days after an ultrasound showed that these nodules were in fact beginning to close off my airway.  “Katie, you only have about a millimeter left before you will not be able to breath on your own!” Stated my Colorado Springs surgeon.

2007 I went through two surgery’s.  I still wanted my thyroid and I saw no reason to take the whole thing.  It covers some many functions in the body.  After the first surgery the nodules that we thought were only on the right side, were actually growing from the left side and draping/taking over inside the neck.  (Notice I say “the neck” not “my neck”…I do this not to be attached to the experience or give power to the dis-ease.)  After the first surgery, the doc comes back to tell me the lab tests of the nodules and they found cancer.  By the next morning they are prepped and ready to take me back under to ex-spell what doesn’t need to stay-the rest of my thyroid and a few parathyroids.  Between the experience to two surgeries, recovery now I had to also work on healing of the death of my thyroid.

I then waited two months for the Iodine 131 radiation to come to the treatment center, which the doc ended up sending someone to South Africa to get this radiation medication for me.  Those two months I was on a very strict diet of No Salt-that’s no cereal, nothing that tastes good…I began the fresh diet meals, with only fresh plain meat, chicken, (no seafood), fresh veggies & fruits.  In reality this is the best way to clear your pallet and really learn what food is suppose to taste like.  I learned so much about how to appreciate the real taste of spices, seasoning my food and reading ingrediances to make sure no salt was added.  It was hard the fisrt few weeks, relearning to change your whole life of how you cooked and prepared food.

I didn’t go extreme with thinking I only needed to eat “Organic”.  Some may choose that option for themselves but for me that just wasn’t in the budget so I was conscious and practical with a one reward a month like eating chocolate a tinny bit (salt is in that too) or pickles.  It was a tinny treat for me being good with the rest of my diet.  I’m a better cook now & my current hubby is grateful.

A person’s body can go through what feels like a death to an organ after it is taken out.  I know this not only from my experience but I have spoken about this with other clients and non-clients about the void in their bodies.

Healing from the death of an organ.  I found comfort in the book “Ask & you Shall Receive” by Esther Hicks, Ernest Holmes and “The Thyroid” Diet by Mary J. Shomon.  Holding both hands to give and receive energy of healing really helps me even now when there is a hoarseness to my voice-returning self love and self forgiveness is very powerful.

I also began painting my meditation visions.  I will leave that information for another write up..very interesting stuff!

So, where are you in all this?  What do you feel about this Obama Care in USA?  No matter if you are here in the States or care about health care-you should.  I went through a Divorce just months prior to finding out about the dis-ease in an organ inside of my body.  Maybe it was stress or the location I was living at the time being close to Cheney Mountain or a high stress job? The maybe can go on and on…still you could have something going on in your life/your body.  Without that medical coverage or having some courage to go to the doctor you may not know until it could be too late.

I encourage you to have that yearly check up.  If your not feeling just right or an issue within yourself or a loved one keep seeking an answer.  Discover how healing it is to know yes or no, about your own health.

Being vocal has been a struggle until now in my life.  Thanks to this blog & you my readers and being able to share an intimate part of my life with others.  Thank you btw.