Tag Archives: Divine

What is your Reflection saying about you?

Copyright KWYavuz2015

Our Reflections speak like the shadow of dark daylight of our own soul…So How are you speaking about yourself?  The Map that leads you to you are you speaking kindness to yourself and about yourself or are you shutting the window to your soul down?

We must guard our words of putdowns and criticism about others-Why do we not watch our words that we speak about ourselves?

In the process of all the “WHY’s” we can start in this moment in correcting and changing how we feel about ourselves from the inside out.

Go ahead and turn your back on the world for a moment and come within.  I know I can begin again even when I mess up and correct my words that I say about myself to me, about me and to others about me.

I can love myself from within 1st as I bring that into my aura and through each of my chakra’s.  I immerse my goodwill into my own body, my own self and know that I am worthy of good in all area’s of my life.

I let go, of any and all negative self talk…This means no more “what if’s”; “if only” and so forth.  I now replace that talk into “What I can do Now; What I can do Today or this moment”.  I can hug myself; even make love to myself and tell myself that all will be okay.  I can allow the deep immersed embodiment of the Divine to move through my body and heal myself with this self love.

I move more freely Now knowing I love myself to do what I need to do for me in this moment and It is so~Amen.

Breath of an Angel

Dear Divine Creator, I recognize the ultimate power is within the Divine light and within this Divine light there is renewal.  As the sunlight glistens upon the willow it also dances in perfect Union within the Divine heart of Mrs. ______.  I know this Divine guiding light is here to comfort her and bring her hope and faith into the Realization of her indwelling goodness that shines forth.  I know for Mrs. ____ she is well with positive thoughts as she embraces this goodness from within. Her own Divine inner qualities are filled with gratitude and support, from her doctors and those who love her most!  I know also for the body of the Christ like mind lives through all of Divine’s beings with a guided inner purpose even when we do not see the ultimate plan.  I give love and continual support with an unlimited supply of Divine goodness.  Each whisper is made out of love as the breath of Angels wings create a gentle glide over the surface of our skin.  Like a breeze is the whisper of well being and eternal love. I now release this prayer into the Divine Universe, knowing all has been done before these words were written.  & It is So ~ Amen, Above, through and beyond. ~Hugs from Rev. Katie a cancer survivor please contact me for additional support.  http://ministers.themonastery.org/profile/RevKatieYavuz

Divine Source is Love and expression.

Intention:            Divine Source is Love and expression.

I RECOGNIZE Divine Source is love, comfort and creates all things to live with their own Divine beauty.  Divine Source is the Conscious One Mind that lives through each of Its creations.

I am completely UNIFIED with this power through my own indwelling Conscious One Mind.  I am a perfection of Divine’s love, living through me.  I am a creation of Divine’s goodness.

I REALIZE the twist and turns in my life have been lessons and Now through Conscious Thought I can transform my choices into beauty, grace and unshakable faith.  I am a light of love encompassing my Divine Source and qualities that make me who I am today.  I claim these qualities and allow myself to express joy and gratitude!

I am humble giving THANKS to these wonderful qualities that I possess.  I know the Divine is good.

With enlightened attitude I now RELEASE these words of prayer into the Law.  I know the Universal Law is the doer, the servant and creates exactly what I believe It can do.  I know I don’t need to do anything, but hold faith and expectancy.  It is so & so it is Amen!

~Katie Yavuz RScP

So Hum, I am

So Hum, I am

Who am I? I am of divine light.  I am a thought; I am good, whole, perfect and complete.  I am a cleansing breath, I am the gentle whisper, I am the slight breeze that caresses over your skin.  I am peace, holy and valuable.  Cherish me from within, within thy own mind.  Listen, hear me speak to you, close your eyes do you see the colors or images I put before you?  Breathe; I am your ideas, your fantasy’s, and your dreams.  Please stop putting me down, stop drowning me out~ I love you.  Your ideas are good, even great.  Trust this good, know this good, and love this goodness from within you.  I am here, you’re never alone!  Do you get that?  I am always with you, I never leave you-you leave me.  I forgive you, please just come back home from within and love me for me.  When you feel lost, please tell me to yourself, I am home.  When you feel no love, tell me from within I love me, I  love (your name) in 3rd person.  I am so blessed to be in this life.  I am so blessed to be home.  I am so blessed to be loved.  I am so blessed to know I am not alone.  I am so blessed.  This body is my temple, I am of Divine Light.  My goodness shines bright from the indwelling good.  I am blessed to be able to share my Divine good.  I am blessed.  I am so very blessed. & It is So~Amen

~Katie Yavuz

I Recognize My Body Is My Sacred Temple.

I recognize my body is my sacred temple.  Divine Intelligence lives through me.

I think therefore I am.  What I focus on, I become.

What I say I can do, is what manifests before me.

I choose to guard my thoughts and words.

I accept the Divine as all-knowing for me.

This week each time I am in front of a mirror, I will acknowledge the Divine Intelligence that reflects back at me.

I will declare I am in perfect Union with the Divine, this goodness resides within me.

I now claim it.

I invite you to say your name after the word


Divine (your name) I am: The reflection of right action

I am: a mirror of Divine Love

I am: whole, healthy, restored, and fulfilled

I am: abundant in my gifts, in all areas of my life

I am: excited to be able and willing to share my Divine Light

I am: opulent in forgiving those I become in conflict with because I know that the Divine is reflecting a part of me that needs healing.

I am: able to let go of chaos and see the perfection of the Divine in all people I am surrounded by.

I invite you to hold both of your hands over your heart and say with me:

My body is my sacred temple, What I say I can do, is what will manifest for me.

I am the manifestation of the Divine living through me. It is so &So it is. ~Amen

~Katie Yavuz


Unified Meditation January 2014

“Unified Meditation January 2014 ”                

Please accept these words as if they were your own.  I now accept Divine guidance with Universal principals through my right receiving hand.

I am unified in the Divine Nature of Spirit; I completely know Divine Truth is encompassed through me.  I bring attention to the gentle rise and fall of my breath. (Rest 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7)

Here I realize and experience the internal sensations of warmth and healing taking place.

Here I am whole (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7)

I am aware that my thoughts lift my heart chakra.  I am centered within my life.  I am well and prosperous.

I am alive. (Rest 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7)

I am connected with Divine flow, wellness and unshakable faith. (Rest 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7)

I visualize myself as being radiant, affluent, active, and compassionate.  I am embodied with all virtues, all-enduring love and strength.

2014 is my year. (rest 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7)

I am so thankful for the alignment of the Divine working through me.  I am able to release these words of thought to the Divine. It is So, Please join me in saying & So It Is~Amen

~Katie Yavuz